On Friday a new update of the new development environment for NAV arrived. A number of new features are described here and the in-client designer improvements are really nice but what most caught my attention was the first release of a tool to convert traditional C/AL code to the new AL code. Let’s see what it can…
NAV, on-prem, VS Code | Cloud, New Dev Environment
4 Kommentare
While Microsoft can’t state more explicitly and loudly that they have an and strategy (meaning Dynamics 365 and Dynamics NAV on-prem) there are still rumors and concerns about the future of NAV on-prem. From my personal point of view I don’t see at all why Microsoft would risk their huge customer base of approx. 100.000…
Dynamics 365, NAV, on-prem, SQL | Blocking, Cloud, Locking, Performance, SaaS
0 Kommentare
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